
Protein Panda: Protein Tracker

If you have any questions or suggestions about our apps, do not hesitate to contact us at or on twitter @pattammaro.

How to Use

There is 1 main screen in the app but several other userful pages.

  • Home Page
  • Stats
  • Calendar
  • Learn

Home Page

Here is the main screen of the application where you see how your panda is doing on the day. You can log protein manually, log protein via your favorites, & manage your favorites.

As you log protein you'll see your progress bar at the top start to advance across. Each 25% closer towards your goal, your panda will get a little bit bigger and stronger.

Once you reach your goal, you'll get your crown!


Here you'll find some cool stats broken out in the last 7 days, 4 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months.


Calendar is where you can view all protein logs broken out by day. If you're a pro user, you can add missing protein logs and edit existing ones.


Here you can learn about why consuming protein matters, how much protein you should consume, how to calculate your daily intake, why this matters for building muscle and losing weight, & some common misconceptions about protein intake.